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in with Yazid Md.


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Tuesday, August 29, 2006 @ 23:04

lookie lookiiiieee~
guess what?
im going to camp and also to retro night! yep both! sooooo fun kan? hehe!
just a teeny weeny issue though - what should i wear to retro night? the theme is duh, retro. is there any kind soul out there who is willing to lend me some tops and pants or something?

and yes! my chicas, if you are reading this, see you bitches who-i-miss-so-much on thursday ok! *sings "jangan tak jadi.. jangan tak jadi~" * its been too long! haha

reminder to self:
supposed to revise mdbs instead of downloading software, msn-ing and blogging.
ape nak jadi? ish ish.. going all out for mdbs. cant afford to fail this one or else im out of tp~ heh.

i saw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river...

Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 00:02

Kuakui aku memang cemburu
Setiap kali kudengar namanya kau sebut
Tapi ku tak pernah bisa
Melakukan apa yang seharusnya kulakukan
Karena memang kau bukan milikku

Kuakui aku merindukanmu
Meski ternyata tak pernah kau merindukanku
Tapi ku tak pernah bisa
Melakukan apa yang seharusnya kuinginkan
Karena memang kau bukan milikku

Sesungguhnya ku tak rela
Jika kau tetap bersama dirinya
Hempaskan cinta yang kuberi

Semampunya ku mencoba
Tetap setia menjaga s'galanya
Demi cinta yang tak pernah berakhir

(Kejujuran hati yang tak mungkin dapat ku pungkiri)
(Keinginanku untuk kau tau isi di hatiku)

kejujuran hati by kerispatih, a band from indonesia.
addicted to this song some time back thanks to zeedy. its just soooo nice~ =)
i imagined the vocalist to look like marcel cause they sound alike but nope, he does not look like marcel at all. hahaha. the bassist look like someone right zuck?

hady is safe again!! best singer amongst the idols yet very humble. i just wish that voters will vote for the right idols cause seriously, its getting scarier by the week as people got voted out. we do not want to have an idol who will embarrass singapore in front of the whole world right? maybe voters should have an age limit of maybe 19 years and above cause i believe most of the voters are kids. dontcha think so? TALENT, NOT POPULARITY/LOOKS!

camp or retro night? =/

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @ 20:07

yay my new blog!
not much of a change though.
but I LOIKE! hehe

exams are next week. 2 papers only! doesnt come around so often okay. but but i gotta do my best cause i dont wanna be kicked out of school at the 3rd year! saper nak kan? heh

errr okay. i dont have much to say now. bouncing off soon.